Outlawed by Amazon DRM. A couple of days a go, my friend Linn sent me an e-mail, being very frustrated: Amazon just closed her account and wiped her Kindle. Without notice. Without explanation. This is DRM at it's worst. Linn travels a lot and therefore has, or should I say had, a lot of books on her Kindle, purchased from Amazon.
Kontuz Amazonekin. Erabiltzaile bati ordainduta zituen liburu guztiak kendu dizkiote. Outlawed by Amazon DRMn! http://t.co/Cf0ZjnfD
@garaolaza eta? oin zer? Beldurtuta egon behar gara?
@garaolaza Gorrotoko nauzue hau esateagatik, baina: "Abisatu nuen!" http://t.co/udILfDvL
@edulartzanguren Ez nau sorpresaz harrapatu e? Ni salbu nago. http://t.co/z0Tv0el4
@garaolaza @inaki_agirre Juxtu artikulu hau irakurtzen ari nintzen http://t.co/psWJEj2e & bide batez, Calibre egunean jartzen
@xagra @inaki_agirre Bai, hor aurkitu dut beste artikulua
Artikuluan dioen moduan, "With DRM, you don’t buy and own books, you merely rent them for as long as the retailer finds it convenient."