Teknologia albisteak

Llama2 adimen artifiziala: testu sorkuntzan, besteak bezain gezurti eta disparatatua

Erabiltzailearen aurpegia
2023-09-12 : 15:07

Lehengoan aurkeztu genizuen nola Facebook/Meta-ren adien artifizialak, Llama2 deritzon LLM-aren bidez, ahozko itzulpen automatikoan sekulako tresna sortu duen, euskara ere ulertzen duena: Seamless M4T. Oso ondo dabilela konprobatu genuen, eta etorkizunerako aukera handiak aurreikus daitezkeela. Baina Llama2 delakoan oinarritutako beste tresna bat ere hor dela jakin dugu, Chat GPT bezala galderak testuz erantzuten funtzionatzen duen Llama2.ai proiektua, eta ezin dugu halako iritzi baiezkorik eman. Edozer galdetu, eta txukun erantzuten du, ingelesez zuzenarekin, baina esaten duenak ez du zentzurik, gezur eta asmakuntza disparatzkoak dira.

Konprobatu izan dugu Chat GPT-rekin (Open AI enpresaren eta, aliantzen bidez, Microsoft-en produktua), eta Bard Googleren txat adimentsuarekin. Gezurrak asmatzen dituzte txat hauek. Ba Llama2-rekin berdin.

Guk zera eskatu diogu Llama2-ri: Tell me something about the grammar of the Basque language. "Esaidazu zerbait euskal gramatikaz" eta zera erantzun digu:

Sure, I'd be happy to tell you a bit about the grammar of the Basque language!Basque is a unique language with a distinct grammatical structure. It is a non-Indo-European language, which means that it does not belong to the same language family as languages like English, Spanish, or French. This means that the grammar of Basque is quite different from what English speakers may be used to.Here are a few interesting features of Basque grammar:

1. Basque is a verb-subject-object language, which means that the verb comes first in a sentence, followed by the subject, and then the object. For example, in the sentence "I eat an apple" (Ni-apartekietan apple bat eat), "ni" (I) is the subject, "apartekietan" (eat) is the verb, and "apple" (bat) is the object.

2. Basque has a complex system of declension, which means that nouns and adjectives change form depending on their grammatical case (nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, etc.). For example, the word for "book" in Basque is "liburua", but it changes to "liburuak" in the accusative case.

3. Basque also has a complex system of conjugation, which means that verbs change form depending on tense, mood, and person. For example, the verb "to eat" changes to "apartekietan" (I eat), "apartekietat" (you eat), "apartekietan" (he/she/it eats), "apartekietat" (we eat), and so on.

4. Basque has a number of different cases, including nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, and ablative. Each case is marked with a specific suffix or prefix, depending on the context. For example, the nominative case is marked with the suffix "-a" or "-ak", while the accusative case is marked with the suffix "-at" or "-akat".

5. Basque also has a number of different pronouns, including personal pronouns (e.g. "ni" (I), "zu" (you), "he/she/it" ( third person)), possessive pronouns (e.g. "min" (my), "zure" (your), "honen" (his/her/its)), and demonstrative pronouns (e.g. "harp" (this), "harp-gu" (this-accusative), "harp-ari" (this-dative)).These are just a few of the unique features of Basque grammar. It's a fascinating language to study, and I hope this gives you a taste of its complexity and beauty!

 Ingelesa badakizu, ikusiko duzu zenbat disparate asmatu dituen adimen artifizial honek. Errepaso labur bat:

  • Euskarazko kasuetan, akusatiboa ere badago. Zehazki horrek bereizten gaituenean Europako beste hizkuntzetatik (hizkuntza akusatiboak), euskara ergatiboa denean. Akusatiboko deklinabide asmatuak dira "-at" eta "-akat", gainera.
  • Jan (to eat) aditz bitxi hori, "apartekietan" (I eat), "apartekietat" (you eat), "apartekietan" (he/she/it eats), "apartekietat" (we eat)...
  • Harp erakuslea (hau, nonbait), akusatiboan deklinatuta, Harp-gu, bitxia da gero.
  • V-S-O, aditza-subjektua-objektua omen da gure esaldiaren ordena. Seber Altuberen formalismo zorrotzean jausi gabe ere, S-O-V da, izatekotan.

Dauzkagun datu eta adibideekin, adimen artifizialak gaur gaurkoz eskaintzen duenaz epai hau ematera ausartzen gara:

  • Hizkuntzen arteko itzulpenean, eta euskararen beraren ulermenean, oso aukera onak (itzulpen automatikoaren kasuan euskarazko itzultzaile neuronalak ere maila bikaina lortu dutela ahaztu gabe)
  • Irudi sorkuntzan oso emaitza ikusgarriak, indartsuak. 
  • Testu sorkuntzan, HUTS. Gezurrak eta aluzinazioak, ez dago fidatzerik zerbait galdetu eta egia erantzungo dizutenik.




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