Teknologia albisteak

Pandora ez omen da gehiago Euskal Herrian entzungo

Erabiltzailearen aurpegia
Iban Arantzabal - Espaloia
2007-05-03 : 15:05

Zuetako batzuek ezagutuko duzue Pandora. Web bidez musika entzuteko primerako zerbitzua. Ba ez digu zerbitzua gehiago eskainiko Euskal Herrian.

Ez dakit zenbateraino den ezaguna Pandora. Elgetako Espaloia Kafe Antzokian dezente erabiltzen zen, esaterako. Hari musikala izan beharrean, musika jo eta jo.

Pandorak bidali duen kartatxoa bidaltzen dizuet. Lizentzia kontuak daude tarteko berriz ere. Eztabaida piztu dezakeela dirudi horren inguruan. Espainia aipatzen da hor, baina Frantzian ere berdin omen da, Estatu Batuetatik kanpoko herrialde oro, nonbait. Hala ere, lagunen batek oraindik entzuten duela aipatu berri dit gaur goizean bertan...


Dear Pandora listener,

Today we have some extremely disappointing news to share with you. Due to international licensing constraints, we are deeply, deeply sorry to say that we must begin proactively preventing access to Pandora's streaming service for most countries outside of the U.S.

It is difficult to convey just how disappointing this is for us. Our vision remains to eventually make Pandora a truly global service, but for the time being, we can no longer continue as we have been. As a small company, the best chance we have of realizing our dream of Pandora all around the world is to grow as the licensing landscape allows.

We show your IP address is xx.xx.xx.xx, (ezkutuan) which indicates you are listening from Spain. If you believe you are seeing this by mistake, we offer our sincere apologies and ask that you please reply to this email.

Delivery of Pandora is based on proper licensing from the people who created the music - we have always believed in honoring the guidelines as determined by legislators and regulators, artists and songwriters, and the labels and publishers they work with. In the U.S. there is a federal statute that provides this license for all the music streamed on Pandora. Unfortunately, there is no equivalent license outside the U.S. and there is no global licensing organization to enable us to legitimately offer Pandora around the world. Other than in the U.K., we have not yet been able to make significant progress in our efforts to obtain a sufficient number of international licenses at terms that would enable us to run a viable business. The volume of listening on Pandora makes it a very expensive service to run. Streaming costs are very high, and since our inception, we have been making publishing and performance royalty payments for every song we play.

Until now, we have not been able to tell where a listener is based, relying only on zip code information provided upon registration. We are now able to recognize a listener's country of origin based on the IP address from which they are accessing the service. Consequently, on May 3rd, we will begin blocking access to Pandora to listeners from your country. We are very sad to have to do this, but there is no other alternative.

We will be posting updates on our blog regarding our ongoing effort to launch in other countries, so please stay in touch. We will keep a record of your existing stations and bookmarked artists and songs, so that when we are able to launch in your country, they will be waiting for you. We deeply share your sense of disappointment and greatly appreciate your understanding.

-Tim Westergren (Pandora founder)


2007-05-03 : 15:21

Anonymous surfing egiteak balioko al du muga hori gainditzeko?

2007-05-03 : 21:17

Nahiago dut Last.fm!

pd: Ubuntu-ren azken bertsioko Rhythmbox musika erreproduktorean plugin bat dator, Last.fm-ko musika streaming bidez entzun ahal izateko!

2007-05-04 : 14:59

Ze pena! Niri Pandora pila bat gustatzen zitzaidan... Dena den, azkenaldi honetan askotan erabiltzen dut Blogmusik eta nahiko ondo dago. :-)

