Teknologia albisteak

"Obaba" munduko leku literariotzat kanonizatua

Erabiltzailearen aurpegia
2016-09-13 : 08:46

Literaturaren historian sortu diren unibertso literario garrantzitsuenak bildu dituzte Literary Wonderlands liburuan (Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers). Editoreek 100 idazlan bildu dituzte katalogoan, beraientzat literaturaren historian giltzarri izan direnak, eta literaturak eskaini dizkigun liburu eta unibertso zoragarrienen artean, hortxe sartu dute Bernardo Atxagaren Obaba ere.

"Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created", halaxe du izenburu Laura Millerrek atondutako bildumak (Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers. New York, 2016). Oso edizio zaindua duen liburua da, literaturaren historian sortu diren fikziozko unibertso literario ederrenen aipamenekin.

Editoreek 100 idazlan bildu dituzte katalogoan, beraientzat literaturaren historian giltzarri izan direnak eta fikziozko unibertso literario bat sortzearren ezagun direnak. Guztiak ere ezagun-ezagunak dira irakurle ororentzat. Hortxe daude, besteak beste, Odisea, On Kixote, Gulliverren bidaiak, Alizia herrialde miresgarrian, Eraztunen jauna, Ehun urte bakardadean, Harry Potter, Pedro Paramo,... beste makina batekin batera. Eta literaturaren historian mugarri diren idazlan horien artean, euskaldunok ere badugu ordezkaririk, Bernardo Atxagaren Obabakoak (eta Obaba bera) sartu baitituzte historiako lanik aipagarrienen artean, idazleak Obaban sortu duen mundu literarioaren garrantzia azpimarratuz.

Literary Wonderlands

Hona hemen liburuan nola aipatzen den Atxagaren lana, eta liburuaren aurkezpena bera (PDF honetan ikusi dezakezue liburuaren azala, aurkibidea eta Obabari buruzko atala):

Obabakoak (1988)
A collection of interrelated stories about life and the stories people tell, including that of the narrator's childhoood in an imaginary Basque-speaking town, featuring a whirlwind of sleuthing, storytelling, and dialogue about literature and myth-making in "big" and "small" cultures. (...) The map of Atxaga's creative interior, his inner-life, shows an author who jumps over frontiers between literature and orality, Basque and non-Basque, different audiences and aesthetics -- pre-, post-, and modern.

"Literary Wonderlands" (Miller, 2016)
Literary Wonderlands is a thoroughly researched, wonderfully written, and beautifully produced book that spans two thousand years of creative endeavor. From Spenser's The Fairie Queene to Wells's The Time Machine to Murakami's 1Q84 it explores the timeless and captivating features of fiction's imagined worlds including the relevance of the writer's own life to the creation of the story, influential contemporary events and philosophies, and the meaning that can be extracted from the details of the work. Each piece includes a detailed overview of the plot and a "Dramatis Personae." Literary Wonderlands is a fascinating read for lovers of literature, fantasy, and science fiction.

