Teknologia albisteak

"Before Babel" (J. Gabilondo, 2016): euskal literaturaren historia ingelesez

Erabiltzailearen aurpegia
2016-03-12 : 15:49

Joseba Gabilondo irakasleak euskal literaturaren historia laburbiltzen duen liburua argitaratu du, "Before Babel: a history of basque literatures". Ingelesez idatzitako lehen liburua da gai honetaz. Horrela dio aurkezpenak: "the history of "Basque literature" is the history of diglosia and, therefore, of at least two literatures: the one expressed by Basque subaltern classes in their language, euskara, which mainly constitutes an oral tradition, and the other written by the Basque elites in Spanish, Latin, French, etc.; it is the tradition of the printed book". PDF formatuan jaitsi daiteke www.barbaroak.com webgunean.

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