Teknologia albisteak

Goienkaria: eredu berritzailea Europako prentsa diseinu arloan

Erabiltzailearen aurpegia
Leire Kortabarria - Goienkaria
2004-04-01 : 10:04

Goio Arana diseinatzaileak Goienkaria Debagoieneko aldizkariaren klabeak azaldu ditu Europako 300 bat prentsa editore eta maketatzaileren aurrean. European Newspaper Award sariketako antolatzaileen eskutik egindako kongresuan izan da hori, Vienan. Aranak hitzaldi garbi eta ulerterraza egin zuen, eta Society for News Design nazioarteko diseinu elkarteak zoriondu egin zuen eta Design euren aldizkarian artikulua aterako dutela aurreratu du.

Europako prentsa idatzian, Goienkaria ezohiko eredua

Europako prentsa idatzian, Goienkaria ezohiko eredua

Bai hedapen geografikoz, bai doanekoa delako, bai eta itxuragatik ere. Euskal Herrian ohikoa da, adibidez, tokiko prentsa euskalduna doakoa izatea, baina Europan, doakotasuna eta kalitatea ez doaz bat, sarritan. Hori dela eta, Goio Aranak garbi utzi zuen Goienkaria eredugarria dela: Erakutsi dugu posible dela itxura ona, kalitatezko informazioa eta doakotasunaren arteko oreka, esan zuen.

Goio Aranak Goienkariaren diseinuaren klabeak aipatu zituen hitzaldian

Hasteko, Debagoieneko egoera sozio-ekonomikoa azaldu zuen, Goienkariaren sorrera azaltzeko. Herri txikietako informazioak horrelako tratamendu zabala jasotzea ere ez da sarritan ikusten Europan. Gure beste zeinu nabarmen bat da tratamendu bera ematen diogula herri handi zein 900 biztanleko herri batek ematen duen informazioari, esan zuen.

Elementu txiki asko orrian

Goienkariaren itxura oso lotuta doa, hain zuzen, ibar horren berezitasunekin, arrasatearrak azaldu zuen moduan: Herri txikiek gutxitan ematen dute albiste handirik; gehienetan, albiste txiki asko produzitzen dituzte, eta Goienkariaren orrietan, hain zuzen, elementu txiki ugari bateratzen ditugu. Hori egitea ez da beti erraza, esan zuen Aranak.

Hitzaldia gaztelaniaz egin zuen, baina ingelesez idatzitako transparentziak eta irudiak ipini zituen Goio Aranak. Horien bidez, Goienkariaren atal bana aurkeztu zuen. Kolore paleta moderno eta ausarta eta tipografia ezohikoa aipatu zituen. Asteleheneko Goienkaria Goienaren produktu berriena ere aurkeztu zien Europako prentsa adituei.

Goienkariaren gainean jakinmina izan zuten

Europako hainbat maketatzailek adierazi diote Aranari bere interesa. Hain zuzen, Sunday Tribune irlandar astekarikoek esan zioten Goio Aranari oso proiektu interesgarria iruditzen zitzaiela Goienkaria.

Ekitaldiko argazki batzuk www.oberauer.com helbidean.

Albistea eta Euskal Herritik joandakoen argazkiak goiena.net Debagoieneko atarian.

Oharra: erantzunetan ageri den Design aldizkariko Goio Aranak idatzitako "Small, but powerful!!" artikuluaren irudia hona ekarri dugu:


2004-04-01 : 12:41

Goiena-net argazkietan ikusi dut Goio hitzaldia ematen. Jope, Sissi Enperatrizaren jauregian jarri zaituzte berriketan! zelako teloia, eskulturak, jarlekuak...

Animo, zeu onena! ez mareatu balseatzen!

Joxe Aranzabal
2004-04-01 : 13:35

Design aldizkariak, SND Society for News Design elkarteak ateratzen duena AEBetan mundu osorako, hiru orrialdeko artikulu bat dakar, Goio Aranak idatzia, eta honela egiten dio sarrera, Small, bat powefull! izenburua jarri ondoren: Is it possible to be a
small newspaper and at the same time be a reference point for the community,
to offer quality and be distributed free? The Basque weekly Goienkaria
struggles week after week to achieve this balance.

Edo euskaraz emanda: “Txikerra, baina gogorra. Posible al da egunkari txikia izan eta, aldi
berean, erreferentzia izatea bere komunitatearentzat, kalitatea eskaintzea
eta doan banatzea? Goienkaria astekari euskalduna astero saiatzen da oreka
hori lortzen”.

Aupa Goio eta biba Goienkaria!

2004-04-01 : 14:58

Sissi emperatriz koitadoa! Ikusi genuen bere "etxe" ingurua eta nahaikoa lan izan behar zuen jauregiko irteera bilatzen!


2004-04-02 : 12:52

Is it possible to be a small newspaper and at the same time be a reference point for the community, to offer quality and be distributed free? The Basque weekly Goienkaria struggles week after week to achieve this balance.

Goienkaria is a weekly newspaper written in Euskara (Euskara or Basque, is one of Europe’s oldest languages). The newspaper’s distribution area is the region of Debagoiena, located in the interior of the Gipuzkoa province, in the Basque Country of Nothern Spain.The Alto Deba or Debagoiena –formed by nine towns with a population of 65,000– is a prosperous and industrialized valley well-known, amongst other things, for being the birthplace of the cooperative movement.

Goienkaria was born out of the merger of several small local magazines and is managed by the cooperative Goiena.

Those publications, together with the cultural organizations which sustained them and the local authorities which supported them, resulted in the creation of Goiena. It was a lenghty process, taking several years, bringing together and optimizing all available resources. Goiena is now a broadcasting services’ cooperative which manages, apart from Goienkaria, a regional TV, a radio station, as well as several web pages.

The promoters had four aims in launching the new weekly:

  • To provide the community with a tool which would encouraging social cohesiveness.

  • To create a new and supportive forum for the inhabitants of the area, focusing on regional information as well as on purely local news.

  • To boost the use of the Basque language: a language which, for various social and political reasons was in a critical condition and which was ringed by two major expanding languages - Spanish and French.

  • To show that it was possible to create a publication which combined quality with service to the community and which could still be free of charge.

Today, three years after its launch, Goienkaria has established itself as an important reference point for the community. With a circulation of 21,500 copies, between 80% and 90% of households -depending on the area- are subscribers. Each receives a properly labeled copy, home delivered, and without charge.

The Weekly’s structure

Each issue of the general edition consists of two parts. The first part includes the main items of regional information, featuring a lead article, regional news, sports, articles of opinion, interviews, etc.

The second part, lighter in tone and content, is titled Goienka2a and is devoted to culture and leisure. Here the reader can find an entertainment guide, reviews, music and literary news, TV listings, free ads, and puzzles. Also, all kinds of useful local information such as emergency phone numbers, bus timetable, restaurants listings, etc.

The section title, Goienka2a, is a play on words “Two” in Basque is “bi” which is phonetically similar to “ri” (Goienkaria). This gives Goienka2a a light and playful meaning which conveys to the reader what s/he is likely to find in its pages.

Apart from the weekly’s main body, there are other 24 pages of purely local information, distributed as follows:

  • Arrasate Press 7,350 copies

  • Berrigara 5,900 copies

  • Aretxagazeta 3,800 copies

Attractive and interesting

Despite technical and staff limitations (there are 14 staff in our editorial team, including 3 in the art department) design has always been given a high priority and Goienkaria has recently been awarded the prize for the Best-designed Paper in the category of Local Press in the Fifth European Newspaper Award 2003.

We have attempted to develop an interesting and useful product for our readers and have chosen a modern design with a simple typography and a striking color palette, as well as a page layout which aims to be clear and attractive, and which offers different reading rhythms.

We hope that the experience we are gaining in producing Goienkaria can be useful to other companies which -like us- have to work surrounded by powerful media consortia and in the teeth of difficult linguistic conditions. At the same time we want to help and encourage the local press to achieve its proper and deserved position within the communities it serves - close to, and fully involved with, the lives of its readers.




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