Teknologia albisteak

Europako MININF proiektua kolaboratzaile euskaldun baten bila

Erabiltzailearen aurpegia
Sustatu - Sustatu
2002-09-24 : 12:09

Europako Hizkuntza Gutxituen EBLUL Bulegoak MININF izeneko programa jarri du martxan. Europako gutxiengoen arteko aditu edo berri-emaileen sare bat osatzea da koxka, eta deia egin dute euskal aditu edo berri-emailea aurkitzeko.

Hamar hilabeteko epe batean egingo du lan euskal aditu horrek, beste hainbat komunitatetako adituekin batera. Mezua EBLUL-eko MININF proiektuetik jaso dugun bezala erreproduzitzen dugu hor behean.

OHARRA: jakin izan dugu ez dagoela oraingoz kolaboratzaile horiei ordaintzeko soldatarik... Lan boluntarioa dirudi, beraz.

Position of Linguistic Correspondent


The European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages (EBLUL) is an independent organisation working for the preservation and promotion of regional or minority languages.

EBLUL has launched recently an internet-based project named MININF (Minority Information). The aim of this project is to collect and promote multi-thematic material in or about these languages. Such material includes web sites, multimedia documents, texts and so on. In order to develop this project according to the concrete needs and desire of the communities of minority languages, we are looking to develop a network of linguistic correspondents in each of the communities concerned.

The aim is twofold:

  • In terms of functioning of the project, the existence of the correspondents will allow to ensure the updating and quality of the content offered (regulate the nature of the information made available online), to evaluate the needs for translation in minority languages and to measure the impact of these actions on the community
  • Concerning the general aim of promotion of minority languages, the network is a perfect opportunity for the members of the communities to develop strong skills in terms of techniques of management and promotion, of new technologies, and develop concrete knowledge of existing possibilities for financial support.

Furthermore, the European dimension of the project creates unlimited opportunity for discussion and exchange of experience and practice among the different communities concerned.


In the framework of the MININF project, EBLUL offers you the opportunity of a 10 months remote internship as linguistic correspondent.

You will be entirely integrated to the MININF project as responsible for your language. You will work in close relation, by e-mail or by phone, with the MININF team based in Brussels, as well as with the other linguistic correspondents.

An online editing system will allow you to work and communicate from any workstation connected to the Internet.


  • Content management: Your task will be to check and moderate the content edited online. You will see to it that any improper content will be disregarded from our published material. You will furthermore verify that all information made available is up to date. The visibility of minority languages on Internet being one of the goals of MININF, you will be responsible for the translation, on a punctual basis, of the different main technical functionalities (e-mail accounts, editing systems, portal, etc.).
  • Promotion: One of your most important tasks will be to promote the project and enhance its visibility within your own community to expose the advantages and possibilities made available through it.
  • Evaluation: You will also be responsible to give an evaluation and some feedback on the concrete impact of the project and its actions in your community.


Participation to this project as a linguistic correspondent is a unique opportunity to contribute to the preservation and, above all, promotion of your language and its visibility on the Internet. You will develop, through this experience, your skills in management and language promotion, as well as in Internet and computer technologies. Your work will put you in direct contact with European regional institutions and allow you to become more familiar with their functioning.

Along these possibilities for your personal academic formation, the project offers you the opportunity to develop a network of correspondents around Europe with the equal aim and desire to promote their language. The establishment of this network will be made official by the organisation of a study trip in Brussels in December 2002, for which you will be attributed an inter-rail pass.


For further information and for applications, please contact the MININF team of EBLUL in Brussels at +

Or by e-mail, contact Ivan-Kaja DIELENS at ivan@eblul.org

