Teknologia albisteak

Eskaera TVEren kontra

Erabiltzailearen aurpegia
Juan Etxenike
2002-04-12 : 17:04

Atzo Pedro Ruiz Jaunak José Barrionuevori elkarrizketa egin zion. Horregatik eskaera zabaltzen ari naiz Interneten bidez. Eskaera hau ez da mailbonbin proposamen bat, sinadura jasotzeko petition-on-line sistema erabiltzen da.

Dear sir madam,

I am deeply offended for the program "La noche Abierta" on Spanish public television's second channel, last thursday 11th of april evening.

During this program, Pedro Ruiz (famous spanish comedian) interviewed former ministry of interior José Barrionuevo. José Barrionuevo was minister of interior for the socialist government between 1982 to 1988. During these years a serious of terrorist activities have happened in the south of France in order to kill suspected members of Basque separatist group ETA. GAL which stands for "Groups for Antiterrorist Liberation" murdered 27 persons, including 10 persons with no connexion with any Separatist group.


Amongst their actions towards civilians unrelated to separatism, GAL kidnapped a spanish entrepreneur. Spanish Supreme court found Mr Barrionuevo together with other members of the ministry of interior guilty for this and he was sent to prison were he stayed until he was exempted by right wing Spanish government.

For this reason I find it extremely worrying, as Mr Barrionuevo is never been proven innocent from those facts, that public TV gives an interview in an entertainment program as "La noche abierta". Mr Pedro Ruiz tried to raise a mood in support of Mr José Barrionuevo and he gave the same treatmen to his guest as if he was on of many famous actor or artist who normally attend his program.


In order to agree with this petition and sign it please go to




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