Teknologia albisteak

Renoko unibertsitateko notiziak

Erabiltzailearen aurpegia
Luistxo Fernandez - CS
2001-12-03 : 22:12

Renoko Nevadako Unibertsitatean euskal ikasteketen zentro bat dago, Basque Studies Center, Euskal Herriaren inguruan atzerrian lanik majoenak egingo dituen unibertsitatea seguruenik. Bi berri iritsi zaizkigu handik aste honetan. II. Mundu Gerran eta Koreako Gerran Estatu Batuen armadan parte hartu zuten euskaldunen inguruan tesia egiten ari da lagun bat, eta sukaldaritza eta memorien liburu bat kaleratu duela euskaldun-amerikar batek.

Ingelesez iritsi zaigu lan hauen inguruko informazioa, eta egilea datu bila dabil. Gerran parte hartu zutenen inguruko tesian Pedro J. Oiarzabalek dihardu lanean, eta halaxe esplikatzen du bere lana.
Hi, I am a PhD student at the Center for Basque Studies, University of Nevada, Reno. At the moment I am researching the participation of Basque-Americans in WWII and The Korean War. In particular, I am interested in the so-called Basque code-talkers or the use of the Basque language in intelligence/communication services (Signal Corps Unit, since 1942, in San Diego or San Francisco communication centers during the Pacific Campaign). Also, I am interested in contacting WWII or The Korean War veterans or relatives, which could have been involved in the aforementioned service. I have not found any substantial information on the matter and that is the reason I am contacting you. I would appreciate if you could help me in the research -- through the publication of this notice in your website and/or newsletter, if possible Thank you, Sincerely, Pedro J. Oiarzabal Center for Basque Studies University of Nevada, Reno NV 89557 Phone (775) 784-4854 Fax (775) 784-1355

Argitaratutako liburua, berriz, hau da: Chorizos in an Iron Skillet: Memories and Recipes from an American Basque Daughter, eta egilea Mary Ancho Davis. Christine Campbell-ek, University of Nevada Press argitaldari unibertsitarioko marketing arduradunak, eskaintza egin du inork erreseinarik egin nahi balu, berarekin kontaktuan jartzeko.

